>> debian
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Per scaricare i pacchetti con apt-get aggiungere le seguenti righe al vostro file /etc/apt/sources.list, per Sarge:
# AO custom repository (Sarge) deb http://old.ao2.it/debian/ sarge main non-free deb-src http://old.ao2.it/debian/ sarge main non-free
o per Sid:
# AO custom repository (Sid) deb http://old.ao2.it/debian/ sid main non-free deb-src http://old.ao2.it/debian/ sid main non-free
Per autenticare i pacchetti con apt (>= 6.0) eseguire i seguenti comandi (come un utente qualsiasi):
gpg --keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 4553B001 gpg --armor --export 4553B001 | sudo apt-key add -
se invece non usate sudo, date il seguenti comandi come root:
gpg --keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 4553B001 gpg --armor --export 4553B001 | apt-key add -
Pacchetti per Debian Sarge
gpligc (1.5-0.1sarge1)
A software package for glider pilots and a DEM 3d explorer
GPLIGC is a software package for glider pilots. Igc-flightdata files can be analysed and visualized. The package contains two components: * GPLIGC, data analysis and 2d visualization * openGLIGCexplorer, 3D visualization (can be used as a viewer for digital elevation data too) GPLIGC can be used on Linux, Unix, Windows and Mac OS X. The software can be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. (GPL)
Architecture: i386
Antonio Ospite
Pacchetti per Debian Sid
libptp2-1 (1.1.0-1)
a library to communicate with PTP devices: digicams or MP3 players
libptp2 is a library used to communicate with PTP devices like still imaging cameras or MP3 players (KODAK mc3). You can download files or tweak camera properties using ptpcam program boundled with libptp2. Homepage: http://libptp.sourceforge.net/
Architecture: i386
Antonio Ospite
libptp2-dev (1.1.0-1)
a library to communicate with PTP devices (development files)
libptp2 is a library used to communicate with PTP devices like still imaging cameras or MP3 players (KODAK mc3). You can download files or tweak camera properties using ptpcam program boundled with libptp2. Homepage: http://libptp.sourceforge.net/
Architecture: i386
Antonio Ospite
libptp2-bin (1.1.0-1)
a sample program to test libptp2 functionalities: ptpcam
libptp2 is a library used to communicate with PTP devices like still imaging cameras or MP3 players (KODAK mc3). You can download files or tweak camera properties using ptpcam program boundled with libptp2. Homepage: http://libptp.sourceforge.net/
Architecture: i386
Antonio Ospite
gpligc (1.5-1)
A software package for glider pilots and a DEM 3d explorer
GPLIGC is a software package for glider pilots. Igc-flightdata files can be analysed and visualized. The package contains two components: * GPLIGC, data analysis and 2d visualization * openGLIGCexplorer, 3D visualization (can be used as a viewer for digital elevation data too) GPLIGC can be used on Linux, Unix, Windows and Mac OS X. The software can be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. (GPL)
Architecture: i386
Antonio Ospite
libgl2ps1 (1.3.2-1)
an OpenGL to PostScript printing library
A C library providing high quality vector output for any OpenGL application (GL2PS). GL2PS provides advanced smooth shading and text rendering, culling of invisible primitives, mixed vector/bitmap output, and much more... GL2PS can currently create PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) and Portable Document Format (PDF) files, as well as LATEX files for the text fragments. Adding new vector output formats should be relatively easy (and amongst the formats we would be interested in adding, SVG is first in line). Meanwhile, you can use the excellent pstoedit program to transform the PostScript files generated by GL2PS into many other vector formats such as xfig, cgm, wmf, etc. GL2PS is available at http://www.geuz.org/gl2ps/ and is released under the GNU Library General Public License (see COPYING.LGPL). GL2PS can also be used under an alternative license that allows (amongst other things, and under certain conditions) for static linking with closed-source software (see COPYING.GL2PS).
Architecture: i386
Antonio Ospite
libgl2ps-dev (1.3.2-1)
Developer package for gl2ps library
This package provides developer stuff for gl2ps library: a header file and a statically linked version of the library.
Architecture: i386
Antonio Ospite