In Debian Unstable the transition to Gnome 3 is taking place; when Gnome 3.0 firstly came out some unnamed geeky users complained loudly about the design decisions of the development team to push strongly towards gnome-shell as a new default UI; gnome-shell was designed focusing on usability (usability is a metric relative to a certain target audience BTW) and simplicity, hiding a lot of details from the users. Obviously you can never make everyone happy so some of us simply happened to be “out of target”: you know us computer people (*cough cough*), we like to be in charge and control The Machine...
I needed to connect remotely to my brother's computer to help him fix something, in the past I relied on the X Windows protocol for these things: the people I was helping just needed to open a remote xterm on my screen (with $ xterm -display my.public.ip.address:0.0) to let me operate on their system , it was insecure —no encryption in the communication— but it was one simple command for them to copy and paste as I were putting on my end all the boring details about port forwarding and access control, but this time I wanted to try something different.
I had been experiencing errors when cloning the OpenEZX kernel with git and I was finally able to solve the issue on the server, I am putting some notes here to save some time to someone else.
Here's the recipe for Lemon Ice (“Sorbetto al Limone” in Italian) we use in the family, it is quite famous amongst our friends and sometimes we are asked for it, so I thought I could share it here before the summer comes.
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