Tweeper 0.6 released, Twitter to RSS, with images

On May 23rd 2016 version 0.6 of tweeper has been released. The tweeper Debian package has also been updated.

Tweeper is a web scraper which converts Twitter and other sites to RSS.

A snippet from the NEWS file:

News for v0.6:

  * Fix support for public pages
  * Fix support for
  * Major code cleanup (coding style, functions naming)
  * Fix indentation when generating the  element
  * Support generating enclosure for "image/png" links
  * Major improvements for
    - embed images directly in the item description, linking to the original
      versions uploaded by the user;
    - use direct links instead of ones pointing to the redirector;
    - show explicitly if the attached media is a video;
    - add enclosure element support for attached images.
  * Minor improvements for
    - fix the channel link;
    - make images adapt to the feed reader view, this avoids horizontal
      scrolling if the image is too big.
  * Support generating enclosure for images on
  * Support generating enclosure for images on sites
  * Misc fixes to code and documentation

The most prominent change is that images attached to tweets can now be seen directly in the feed reader with no need to visit the Twitter web page, the images will also link to the full-size files originally uploaded by the user.

Under the hood the code has been cleaned up and now it follows the Drupal coding standards. For the records, PHP_CodeSniffer along with Coder Sniffer has been used to check the coding style.

For the conversion from json to XML, used to scrape, the code now uses the Symfony Serializer component, instead of the unmaintained PEAR XML_Serializer.

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