The IPv6 Greeter Drupal module

I've added an IPv6 Greeter block on in order to greet the IPv6 users, and to inform the others about the existence of the new protocol.

The code of the Drupal module is in the IPv6 Greeter sandbox, and I applied to create a full project on now that the Drupal migration to git is complete, so to have it properly reviewed and eventually hosted there.

If your site has a tech audience and it is built with Drupal, consider using the module above in order to raise the awareness that, like it or not, we could be needing IPv6 sooner than expected: the last IANA IPv4 Free pool has been allocated on January 31st 2011 to APNIC, while this does not mean automatically that we have run out of Ipv4 addresses for Internet nodes today, we should be prepared.

So deploy IPv6 NOW, and be ready for the World IPv6 Day.

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My dedi's host doesn't have

Drew Fisher's picture

My dedi's host doesn't have IPv6. My cable internet provider (Comcast) has started IPv6 trials, but I can't figure out how to join them. This is unfortunate.

On the other hand, I'm in the T-Mobile IPv6/IPv4 dual-stack trial, and my university provides globally-routable IPv6 addresses over wireless. And if I wanted, I suppose I could either run Miredo for tunneling, or get a tunnel from Hurricane Electric.

Personally, my favorite IPv6 test is the dancing turtle.

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