backstage: parts three and four, wiki and GIT server.

The third and fourth parts of the backstage about are on the wiki.

For the wiki part, the wannabe collaborative effort around, I could even have shaped Drupal to act as a wiki platform, but I decided to use MediaWiki just because people are more used to it, being it the software Wikipedia uses.

For SCM there was no other choice than GIT, it is fast and lightweight, and it has been designed with distribution in mind; obviously you can well use it as a personal revision control system, or you can use it like SVN and CVS, but Linus could call this a degenerate case, if you get the pun :).

GIT has a long history of being quirky when it comes to the user interface (the way you delete a remote branch comes to my mind), maybe it exposes its underlying design too much at the UI level, but once you get used to it you won't remember of your initial disorientation and you'll be happy with it.

The next backstage post should be about content editing in Drupal, but it will come in some months, because I am still doing some R&D about the best way to put fields and objects inside content body in Drupal, you can follow my work about integrating CCK and the Inline API in this post, if you like the ideas presented there move in and contribute. :)

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