

How to trace and visualize POSIX threads

Writing even a simple multi-threaded program is a complex problem, synchronization issues are always around the corner, causing race conditions which can lead to deadlock or resource starvation; and the stress of not being sure that our program works correctly is another component of the complexity.


Exporting content to code with Drupal

There are cases when you want to export some content from a website, in order to import the same content at some later point into a similar website in an automated fashion.


Bug hunting in Linux kernel land: an unpretentious primer

Lately I've been fixing some defects in the hidraw interface in the Linux kernel (commits d20d5ff and e42dee9), simple issues like these NULL pointer dereference are a good example to show how to analyze a Linux bug trace in order to spot the defective code. So let's take a look.


AO2 runs into autorun.inf

Some days ago I bought this USB Hard Drive and when I first plugged it in, the mounted filesystem showed up in the File Manager with a custom icon, so I thought I could use my own custom icon instead and it turned out to be quite easy.

Custom icon for a USB drive on GNOME
Custom icon for a USB drive in the Nautilus file manager


Poor Man's Multi-Touch: using multiple mice with Xorg

Since Jan. 13th, 2010 Xorg version 7.5 has landed to Debian unstable; one of the most notable additions to it was the XInput2 system, which incorporates the MPX efforts. So I hooked up a second USB mouse to my machine and started playing with it.

[-] backstage: OpenID over SSL

Added a howto about using your (Drupal) site as an OpenID over SSL, on the wiki.

Starting by now is also my OpenID.

As I am running my own Identity server, if you trust me more than others, and need an OpenID provider —and I know you—: try asking me.

[-] backstage: parts three and four, wiki and GIT server.

The third and fourth parts of the backstage about are on the wiki.

[-] backstage: part two, Drupal.

The second part of the story behind, is in the wiki.

[-] backstage: part one.

I've just put on the wiki the first of my HOWTOs, or you can call them ao2's if you prefer ;)