
On piping in shell scripts and var scoping


When writing shell scripts keep an eye on subshell creation to avoid unexpected results.


To stopping top-posting

I am still fighting my little personal battle against mindless-forwarding in chain-letters (I call that Wild-CC) and top-posting in e-mails.

Today I've had another confirmation (as if I needed any) that top-posting is a bad way to reply to a message.


An extremely brief survey of Link-Local XMPP

If you want to communicate on a LAN with your friends/coworkers, there's no need to use a server: a possible solution to the Serverless Messaging problem is Link-Local XMPP.


Poor Man's Multi-Touch: using multiple mice with Xorg

Since Jan. 13th, 2010 Xorg version 7.5 has landed to Debian unstable; one of the most notable additions to it was the XInput2 system, which incorporates the MPX efforts. So I hooked up a second USB mouse to my machine and started playing with it.


ao2.it backstage: OpenID over SSL

Added a howto about using your (Drupal) site as an OpenID over SSL, on the wiki.

Starting by now http://ao2.it is also my OpenID.

As I am running my own Identity server, if you trust me more than others, and need an OpenID provider —and I know you—: try asking me.


Branding patches with git and vim

In linux kernel development there are informal, and yet quite solid, conventions which apply when sharing patches and collaborating during the —public and undisclosed— phase of code peer-review.

As some of you may know, all the communications about kernel development happen via e-mail, and there are some tools to ease the task of preparing and sending patches; these tools allow some degree of customization, or “branding” like I am calling it in this case.

ao2 X-Face